Louis van Gaal uses altercasting. You too?

Well, we’re loose hear. The ball is rolling. The first points are in the pocket.

Louis van Gaal is therefore doing what he can to capture the cup. Get rid of that Calimero syndrome, that MickeyMouse competition feeling.

He influences his men to and fro. We can do it! Nice to see. I read in a news report that he even asked basic players via Whatsapp back in April “are you ready to be world champions?”

This is how he matured minds.
And now it is buzzing. Also in television programs. We are all beginning to believe in it.

He puts them in a role. And us, too.

This behavioral technique is called altercasting. A fine steering through the unconscious. When you put someone in a social role, he is going to behave accordingly.

– “Ma’am, you look so friendly. Would you mind helping me?”

– “You’re in such a good mood. Would you mind taking out the trash?”

– “You guys are extraordinary as a team. I know you guys are going all out to get that World Cup. Pushing yourselves to the limit. Fantastic!”

You can use it too. You can do it!

To have your partner do a rotten job. To get your daughter to do her homework. To get your customer to take action. For example.

Always works. Give a compliment and tie a request to it. Put them on a pedestal. Let them believe in themselves. Make them proud, give them strength.

We’re taking that World Cup!