Connect and carry
Picture this. Your child (small) is playing nicely. Goes all in.
But you have to leave. So how do you get him (her) to join you?
You ask sweetly. No response.
You ask again. Nothing
Again, but a little harder. No.
Again, now more compelling. Ditto.
Now what?
You can start screaming. On high legs there. Getting angry. Pulling ears. Taking away the play thing.
That won’t make you popular. That doesn’t end nicely. Recognizable?
You can also connect. Sitting there. Together on the ground. At eye level. Joining the game for a moment. Share a laugh. Making contact.
And then it succeeds.
You then get him (her) easily(er) along with a fine promise. “Come, let’s go get an ice cream, do something fun, have a nice meal, continue together later…”
Here a man speaks from experience.
In communications, campaigns and websites, it works the same way. You come in uninvited while your target audience is just enjoying something.
You disturb.
Are you going to scream then? Or connect?