Adriaan Roland Holst School Bergen
The campaign for ARH Bergen is a long-term success story. It begins in 2011. Until that year, the school invariably had around 80 new applications a year. More will not do. Whatever she does. The school will then have about 350 students. But Victor Cijs and his team are radically changing that.
The number of new applications is increasing. Things are going fast from the first campaign year. And the years after even harder. There are 95, 110, 140, 160 new freshmen reporting. To eventually be capped around 180, no more can be added.
In 2022, 11 years later, ARH will have grown to 950 students. The school is coming apart at the seams. It even requires a substantial remodeling and expansion. The limits have been reached. A spectacular success.

How did we manage that? With the core promise Learning and inspiring. And tantalizing creative expressions that subtly respond to the need of 11-year-olds and their parents for quality education with attractive atmosphere and plenty of creativity. In it, we apply behavioral techniques from social psychology. Resources include videos, website, posters, brochures, advertisements, presentation materials, an online open house site and an online campaign.