Satisfizers and maximizers

Did you know that there are two types of decision makers?

Satisfizers and maximizers. Two totally different types. Who you don’t recognize by their nose. But you have to use a different message if you want to influence them. I explain that.

Satisfizers want something that meets their conditions.

Suppose one such person goes to buy a new pair of jeans. She wants one that is comfortable, looks nice and is not too expensive. A satisfizer fits as few pants as possible. Want to succeed quickly. Preferably in the first store if possible. And chooses the first one that is fine.

Maximizers, on the other hand, want the bottom line.

When she looks for jeans, she takes a very different approach. She wants the best of the best. Compares offerings in as many stores as possible, sometimes even in different communities. She also takes her time nicely. She includes as many aspects as possible in her choice.

And never the twain shall meet.

By the way, one person may be a satisfizer for one product or service and a maximizer for another.

Do you recognize both types? You have both of them in your target audience….