Communication that changes behaviour

You want to grow your business. Right? More sales, more applications, more enlistments.

So you try to draw attention. But to make people change their choices, getting noticed is not enough. You need a creative message that addresses behaviour.

A persuasive message gets more done

Cijs&Co always researches which drivers and resistances play a role. And uses evidence-based behavioural techniques from social psychology as a starting point for creation. In this way, we create convincing creative messages that are truly behavioural. And therefore work better.

(Most other agencies do not go that deep. They make creative work based on the briefing their client has made, rarely speak to the target group themselves and do not know behavioural techniques. – Mistakes almost guaranteed…)


I am Victor Cijs, communication strategist ánd behavioural change specialist. Together with my creatives (&Co), I help you move forward.

Interested? Get in touch.

“It works. The number of new students is running up. The success is obvious.”
Gerard Roos – principal of Stad College Almere

“This is fantastic! The applications exceed the support we can provide.”
Esther Ouburg – site manager Palet

“We see the results growing.”
Han Dieperink – managing director IMK (Institute for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)

Influencing behavior

Maximizing communication impact requires more than creativity. You need to know the sensitive spots of your target audience. And the behavioural techniques that affect. That’s where your success begins.

Gut feeling marketing is out of date. Behavioural influence is key. Mixed with targeted research and data on the motivations and resistances of your audience. This is how you beat the competition.

Thorough approach

I do not take my client’s briefing as my (only) starting point. And I avoid assumptions. After all, every successful campaign starts with a good understanding of what the people in your target audience desire and what they reject, both consciously and subconsciously. I select the most effective behavioural techniques before we develop creative proposals.

My thorough approach has proven itself in practice. View the great results for high schools, food/non-food and b2b/b2c services-projects. Click on any of those three links and you will immediately see the examples.


High schools seeking more students, b2b/b2c services seeking more requests and food producers seeking more sales. See also work samples and results (as far as public).

What do you want?


My clients include large and medium-sized companies, institutions and advertising agencies. In recent years Air France-KLM Cargo, Bieze Food Group, BP FreeBees, Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises, Palet, Robin Radar, Sky Radio, Stichting Groot Verzet Tegen Kanker, Adriaan Roland Holstschool Bergen, Calvijn College Amsterdam, Comenius Lyceum Amsterdam, Cygnus Gymnasium Amsterdam, Stad College Het Baken Almere, KesselsKramer, Stuwkracht, TLC Marketing.

They choose me because…

My clients appreciate my approach, commitment, initiatives. And the results. They confidently rely on me and my advice. Often for many years. On top of that, I’m nice.

Want to know more?

I can help your organization move forward. As an individual consultant or together with my team. Call me at 06 5340 0269 or email me.

Or subscribe to my cheerful weekly Cijsmails. On psychological insights to apply yourself. (Sorry, only in Dutch.)

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“If you want people to build a ship, don’t give them wood and nails. But an endless longing for the sea.”
(Le Petit Prince – Antoinne de Saint-Exupéry)
More than 35 years of experience
Revenue increase realized for dozens of clients
Specialties: high schools, food & non-food, b2b and b2c services
Creation, keen analysis and insights from social psychology as a foundation
Awards: Effies (3x), Cannes Lions (4x), ADCN Lamps (6x), SAN Accent, Eurobest, Car Introduction of the Year
Esther Wolters-Ouburg Palet

“Victor Cijs thinks clearly, along a certain line. He shifts gears quickly, thinks with you, always wants to take a moment to test. Above all, spend a lot of time researching beforehand. With us, he first talked to a lot of people at length. Much read. Effort made to understand our special audience. Now he is in the middle of it, with his clogs in the clay. And he is open, which is very valuable. Fine is that.

Then Victor gave a presentation that we immediately saw fit. The message overall was beyond expectations. This creative approach is very good. Exactly who we are. He captures the essence. It really is an art to present something commercially and to come across as involved and sincere.

It works! We have become more attractive. Especially because of our website and that video. And we are also better found now. In fact, the number of applications now exceeds the support we can currently provide. And the other institutions and agencies in Almere also know how to find us for the first time. We needed that pull.”

Esther Ouburg – site manager Palet
Client since 2021

Han Dieperink IMK

“We needed the craftsmanship of Victor Cijs because we had a very important assignment. It was about our long-term survival. We needed to tap into a new market, we also wanted to communicate directly with entrepreneurs for the first time instead of via. And then the question was: how do you do that?

I am most pleased with Victor’s combination of creativity and strategic input. If you break those apart, as many agencies do, you risk losing information in the transfer from one to the other. It is the combination that makes the difference. The beauty is in connecting those specialties. Actually, Cijs & Co’s approach does deviate quite a bit from the standard fare of agencies.

It gave us a highly actionable, results-oriented online campaign. It was to-the-point and consistent. Cijs knows all about primal reflexes and how to influence choices. We see the results growing spectacularly. Then you know you’re doing something good.”

Han Dieperink – Director Institute for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Client since 2014

“Victor Cijs is focused on what attracts children of this age. I find the way he does that an eye opener. He spent afternoons wandering through our auditorium. Then he was sitting there with students, then there again. To understand what the school breathes. Because, of course, what a director like me tells you is not the whole story. That’s smart.

It didn’t hurt us. The success is obvious. Registrations are rapidly increasing. Before that, it was really survival, the engine faltering. For more than a decade, many students disappeared every year, year after year. Cijs managed to change that.

It all became a little rascal-like, playful. I am most satisfied with the videos, they are quickly edited, really appeal to the children. The colors, those heads we put on those shirts. Moreover, the new marketing approach has stimulated that we now also have a fresh young educational concept in terms of content.

As a client, you often have to adapt to an agency’s way of working. This irritated me greatly at our previous agency. Victor Cijs handles that much better. I am very happy with his flexibility. If there’s anything we need to brainstorm about, Victor is there.”

Gerard Roos – director City College
Client since 2017

Hassan el Hachhouchi CC

“Frankly, we had bad experiences with a lot of agencies. They often create all these pretty pictures, leaflets, videos and online things that kind of pamper the outside. Which costs tons of money. But don’t think carefully about what is a compelling message for us.

Our enrollment numbers were under pressure. We ourselves did not know what our story should be to the outside world. Saying you are a good school is not enough. Cijs was the first to start working on what we now had to project. What we needed to emphasize. How we come across.

He first wanted to know what students and parents thought about the school and what they were looking for. Victor conducted interviews with first-year children and their parents. What came out of that was truly surprising and inspiring. It did get better and better and more fun for me to work this way.

What I also really like is that he didn’t throw everything overboard. He also made improvement in the materials we already had. I love the material, the pictures, the texts of our campaign. And yes, the applications turned out particularly well after that! That’s what you do it for.”

Hassan el Hachhiouchi – principal of Calvin College
Client since 2021


“Things weren’t running here when I became director. The school barely got any applications. It was worrisome. Something had to be done. It was make or break. I chose Victor Cijs because of his previous successes. We had to determine who we want to be relevant to. And especially how we were going to handle it. The school had to start growing against the negative trend. Without that growth, the school would go under.

And it worked. Huge. When you see how fast our student body is growing, it’s extraordinary. I had hoped for growth. But the speed of this success has surprised me. We have achieved in three years that Comenius is the popular school to be at today. In fact, we are now running up against the limits of growth, we can’t hire everyone who wants to come here. That’s special, though.

At Cijs & Co, you are not just another customer from whom money can be made. Cijs really immerses himself, goes to great lengths to do so, wanting to sense what the target audience is looking for. Has immersed himself completely and jettisoned his own white perspective. I think that’s clever. And valuable. Our Islamic education, the Islamic context is very different. With Victor, I have seen the insight grow. And from that, he brought his strategic and creative insights to bear. From that discovery, he began to design the marketing approach. I think that’s very strong.”

Freek op ‘t Einde – director Comenius Lyceum Amsterdam
Client since 2018

“In the corona era, we had to make a turnaround at lightning speed. How Cijs handled that then, I must say, was professional. The eyes of a professional. That’s that professional look. And the second thing is, he takes an incredible amount of work off our hands. Many initiatives.

We completely outsourced communications to Cijs & Co. Together we have been running a very good campaign for more than a decade that achieves an above-expected high number of applications. I think that creativity is also a very crucial one. I dare say that would really have been lower without Victor Cijs. I’m pretty sure. The school grew spectacularly during those years.

We have done a nice job in improving, for example, the images and videos on the website and the website itself. It is a combination of Victor’s strategic insights, the fine contact and the creative piece. Cijs has a clear vision. But is not pushy.”

Arno Raven – department manager ARH Bergen
Client since 2011

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